“. . . and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me."
1 Corinthians 11:24 NIV
Memorial: noun: something that keeps remembrance alive.
Memories. Some painful. Some euphoric. Some tragic. Some repressed. Some fleeting. Some lost.
Today I write a memorial. My dad who is in heaven now was born into the earth on this day 76 years ago.
Member: noun: a part of a whole.
For those who are able - remembrance is an opportunity and a blessing. We have the freedom to chose at any moment to be reunited. We have the privilege of assembling a beautiful narrative, of retelling a story that serves to honor and cherish a part of us that once was.
Re-member. To become one again with something that has been separated from us.
To be put back together in oneness in a state of wholeness once again.
This is the idea of remembrance. This is the beauty in memorializing.
I consider myself extremely blessed to have my dad’s birthday fall close to or on our US national holiday Memorial Day every year. This is the time where I am able to feel one with the sacrifices given to me freely and undeservedly.
How powerful would it be to live every day in honor and reunification with the ones who gave their lives for us?
We can. We should.
In so many ways my dad died every day so that I could live. He died to having the finer things in life. He died to pursuing every dream he once held dear. He died to getting all the sleep he wanted. He died to so many things so a little boy could have his best shot at life.
Our fallen war heroes on the front lines and on the sidelines and everyone who didn’t make the headlines - they all died for us.
Here’s to them. We keep your remembrance alive today.
Thank you.