This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.Psalm 118:24 NKJV
Believe on the name of the Lord and you will be saved.
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Made whole and complete according to the Word of the Lord.
Living in His original design and order before the corruption of the sin nature.
This is the day the Lord (and His name and nature) has made . . .
The day salvation has made. The day wholeness is available to experience.
I activate my will (through the eyes of faith not the effort of my physical eyes)
To rejoice.
To acknowledge my standing as a joyful place in the Lord.
If the Lord made it (whatever it is) he has a plan for it.
Bless the faithfulness of His name in the difficulty of the day.
Give thanks to His name in the blessing of the day.
Remember even in the difficulty can be found the blessing of the Lord.
Other wise His name isn’t faithful. And it most certainly is.
He is the faithful one. That means he is the only one that is faithful.
Why count on anyone/anything else?
My expectant hope is in . . . .
My plans?
The real estate market?
My ministry?
My social media followers?
My expectant hope is in the Lord.
So I will look to see Him and the manifestation of
day making
nature demonstrating
name glorifying
kingdom expanding
wholeness releasing
He is in (whatever He says He is in) both to will and do . . .
According to His good pleasure.
His pleasure is to see His Word come to pass in your life.
You better believe there is a whole lot riding on this day.
But the power and ability aren’t yours to worry about.
Your job is to believe.
Extend effort today to believe and call on the name of the Lord.
Let the day be His.
For His glory for His name.
I think maybe the joy unspeakable part will take care of itself.