• God always calls people into a land. He set Adam and Eve in the garden and gave them dominion. He led His people out of Egypt and gave them a land to possess. He calls us out of darkness and into His light to transform our territory bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth. We were created to be transformative agents of His glory.

  • Our land, Berkeley Township NJ, meets the metaphor of our name and mission as a picture of the Ark of Noah. Where the wood of the Ark met the flood waters of renewal, God’s redemptive purpose was carried through and released His covenant promise with a remnant people to replenish the earth.

    Our territory, Berkley Township and the ocean bordering communities have been described as “where the ocean meets the pine lands.” Beachwood’s founding settlement slogan was, “Where the Ocean Meets the Pines,” and it is in the very name, Beach - Wood. Our region is a gateway into the Garden State. We live and minister literally where water meets wood and where wood meets water, just like the Ark of Noah.

    And so our mission to rescue a land and a people in need of God’s redemptive purpose in these last days is unfolding both metaphorically and literally where the water meets wood. And where the gates of our region presently ruled by the Prince of the Power of the air, can be rescued and reclaimed for the Prince of Peace, King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus!

    In the last days the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth like the water covers the seas. As the floods of God’s glory begin to pour over the earth, we want to rise with the waters, not be crushed or consumed by them.

    So we have this mission to call everyone into the Ark of His presence, to find refuge, to live sacrificially as an altar to the Lord and to live on mission in our region to bring redemption and salvation for such a time as this.

    Where water meets wood Jesus sits in a boat and preaches the good news. Where water meets wood the boat carries Jesus over to the other side into destiny and to bring the gospel to the gentiles. Where water meets wood the waters of Marah turn from biter to sweet. Where water meets wood God’s fire consumes Elijahs altar disgracing the prophets of Baal. Where water meets wood the pierced side of Jesus broken heart pours water onto the wooden lance of the Roman soldier. Where water meets wood we take up our cross and our literal water filled bodies are transformed as living sacrifices for His glory. Where water meets wood the roots of the trees of righteousness planted by the waters is fruitful, non-withering leaves growing in prosperity and maturity.

  • The region God has called us to transform with His presence encompasses these 12 key municipalities: South Seaside Park, Beachwood, Ocean Gate, Pine Beach, South Toms River, Bayville, Holly Park, and the 5 Communities of Holiday City

  • Our mission is to have families and individuals in communion with Ark and Altar Church strategically carrying God's presence in these 12 spheres of society: Agriculture/Forestry Fishing - Arts and Culture - Education - Social Services - Building Trades - Media/Information - Business Commerce - Finance - Judicial/Courts/Law - The Sciences -Law Enforcement - Public Safety


  • First and foremost we are about His presence. Pursuing His transformational presence, allowing His presence to lead us as kingdom bringers transforming our region.

  • To live counter cultural lives, His people have to have a place where heaven's culture is hosted, where we are continually rescued, redeemed and recharged to live on mission.

  • As His presence changes us, we bring Kingdom rule into the earth, by loving and serving our neighbor as well as by standing and speaking against injustice and unrighteousness in civilian and in governmental arenas.


  • We build interdenominationally with other churches to reach our region. Our model is agile and adaptive so the New Wine of the Spirit creates our structure, not the other way around.

  • We aren't church program driven or seeker sensitive. We pursue the presence of God and His blessing on the House. What pleases His heart is what fuels our passion to protect the glory of His Bride ready for His return. We move when and where His fire by night and His cloud by day would dictate our plans and progress.

  • We prioritize relationship over ministry. People aren't a means to an end, they are the goal of ministry.

  • Rather than build multiple ministries in the church, we find ministry where it meets community and support ministry that can be independent, agile and organic flowing out of the center of our mission in a collaborative way that doesn't build unhealthy vision drain in-house church silos.

  • We celebrate the calendar of the kingdom, Jewish culture, living as one new man yet standing with Israel and fostering healthy Jewish - Christian understanding and cooperation.

  • We endorse and promote women in ministry. We empower woman to fulfill the Biblical call of God on their lives.

  • We believe in an unmuzzled pulpit to the end of lovingly yet directly and confrontationally address cultural, political, and societal issues with the truth of God's Word. Love rejoices when truth is spoken towards the highest good of both the individual and the culture at large.