Purpose and Prayer
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints,
Ephesians 1:18 CSB
Paul knew his purpose. That is why and how He prayed with great purpose.
“. . .I’ve been destined for the purpose of defending the revelation of God.” Philippians 1:16
“That you may know the hope of His calling . . .” Ephesians 1:18
I have struggled at times with a lack of passion for the people around me that God has placed in my life.
After letting God’s Word guide me in this struggle I have found it is the result of losing touch with God’s personal purpose for my life.
We really do need a compelling “why.”
I want to invite you to press into your why.
Seek the Lord and let His Word show you.
Mine God’s Word for all the passionate “why” statements and see where they resonate with your current personal goals and life plan.
When you have your “why” pray from that position of confidence in your why.
Here are two great examples:
To be found in Him. Philippians 3:9
I was sent for the lost sheep. Matthew 15:24
Know your purpose - say it and write it often.
When you know who you are and what your purpose is you will be positioned to be used as an influencer in whatever way God finds.
You are set apart for God’s specific purpose for you. Psalm 4:3
This is my prayer for you.
Lord grant them their hearts desire and fulfill all their purpose. Psalm 20:4 The purpose you have called them to from before the foundations of the world. Show them the gifts you have placed within them and empower them to work passionately to multiply them back to you, allowing you to increase them exponentially for the growth of your kingdom and to bring you glory. Amen