Ark and Altar Church

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If you're not dreaming you're dying.

Hab 2:2 Write the vision and make it plain.

Psalm 126 - The end of your tearful sowing is laughter and a  joyful shout and dream like abundance from the restoration of God's blessing and prosperity in your life.

Prov 13:12  - a longing fulfilled is a tree of life!

If you’re not dreaming you’re dying.

Dreaming resets your entire system while you are sleeping.

Our dreams are trying to bring equalization to the imbalances that our conscious mind is grappling with. 

We are all called to be dream interpreters like Joseph. That is, God has a dream for our lives and we have to interpret what that looks like as lived through us – through the way He has gifted us and designed us.

God has a dream of his kingdom coming and His will being done in the earth. Through you!

What does His kingdom dream look like as lived out through your life?

Dust off your dreams!!!

Ask God to show you what they mean. Why are they so precious to your heart? How can you keep them alive and not hinder them from coming into reality? 

What needs to be laid down? (So your dream stays in view on the horizon.)

What needs to be taken up? (So you move towards your dream.)

Give your dream back to Him and let Him reshape and resurrect it for His glory. It’s a paradox, but we have to let go and let God when it comes to our dreams. So we don’t idolize them.

I have some dreams. (among others)

  • That creativity and innovation isn't dead in the local church.

  • That the artisans will be raised up and released to create and allowed to flourish.

Along those lines:

The enemy wants to suppress Holy creativity and innovation in the church and he wants to have sole rulership over creativity and innovation in the realm of secular society releasing darkness and counterfeit light.

The world is flocking to the wrong light. I dream about the real, untainted, uncompromised light shining bright!

Back to your dream:

If you are always fighting against something, what energy do you have to fight for something?

Without a dream, without a vision of the future you will fight against things. You will be defending your position, fighting your circumstances instead of advancing the kingdom.

The charge over man in the garden was never to consume - it was to procreate. Be fruitful and multiply. Tend the garden, but take what is there and make it better. Some quotes from a book I am reading follow.

Click the “source” links to find this great book and those amazing authors.

"It isn't we consume therefore we are, it is we conceive therefore we are - in His image." Source

Expand, expound, invent, innovate, release and speak let there be light everywhere you go.

Become like a child. “One of our earliest pictures of creation was God playing in the dirt” Source - water and dirt and ruach - God's Breath. And so we became.

"You grow a dirt soul into a soul that bears fruit, but to grow a fruit bearing soul, you need to add water and spirit, not just any spirit - but God's Spirit.” Source

“It is the undeveloped soul that is the source of our problems today." Source

This is me now:

“The spirit of creativity hovers over the waters, over the deep. Get to the source of water, get to the deep places.”

The lie is you have been sold into slavery.

The lie is that you have been forgotten by the kings cupbearer.

“The truth is there is treasure in you.  You have the interpretation from the Lord for every mystery.” 

It's the key to your rule, the rule He has designed and destined for you. 

Stop trying to control the journey, you can't control that. Keep the dream alive inside you.

Keep promoting the dream giver, the dream interpreter and your place of authority for such a time as this will come. 

Dream Discovery:

I am most alive when I __________________________________

The environment where I flourish and am invigorated is ___________________________

The thing I do better than most people is ________________________

The object of my prayer life, the thing I pray about most is ___________________________________

What do I want to dedicate my whole passion to, what am I willing to just get “worn out” doing every day_______________________

Action Steps:

Create a visual dream board, Pinterest, or old school - craft it and put it somewhere prominent.

What time talent and treasure resources are being misdirected at good things but not God's Dream for my life? Make a commitment to let those go and not pick them up again.

Mine God's Word for scriptures and declarations about your destiny, your future, His plan and His destiny for you.

Find others who have similar dreams and aspirations, dream together, cry together, work together.

Who can you find who does well what you don't do well to partner with - make each others dreams come true!

The Story of the Balloons

A wise teacher once brought balloons to school, told her pupils to blow them up and write their name on one. After the children tossed all of the balloons into the hall, the teacher moved through the hall mixing them all up. The kids were given five minutes to find the balloon with their name on it, but though they searched frantically, no one found their own balloon.

Then the teacher told them to take the balloon closest to them and give it to the person whose name was on it. In less than two minutes, everyone was holding their own balloon.

The teacher said to the children, “These balloons are like happiness. We won’t find it when we’re only searching for our own. But if we care about someone else’s happiness…it will ultimately help us find our own.”

Find a person and let them feel known, discovered, appreciated, valued, believed in. God knows your name and He sent me to you to give you the gift of encouragement. The gift of starting to dream again, to believe in something.