Ark and Altar Church

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Good Opposition

“He alone makes us adequate ministers who are focused on an entirely new covenant. Our ministry is not based on the letter of the law but through the power of the Spirit. The letter of the law kills, but the Spirit pours out life.”

2 Corinthians 3:6 The Passion Translation (TPT)

A while back I read a book that helped me develop a personal mission statement. The book guided me through the process of discovering some core driving beliefs and crafting them into a creed. The book was, “What’s Best Next,” by author Matt Perman.

My mission in life is to oppose religion release redemption and to know my creator. 

Religion like anything else can be given to defilement. There is a pure and undefiled religion mentioned in James 1:27. I don’t oppose pure and undefiled religion. I am actually for it.

The origins of the word religion allude to binding oneself to an obligation. The unhealthy potential of being bound to anything is bondage. 

Now can you see why it might make sense that part of my life mission is to oppose religion? I’m against slavery in all forms. Instead, I am a champion and defender of freedom! 

There are things we should run for and things we should rally against. (1 Cor 9:24, James 4:7)

Resistance against - is the other side of running towards. When I am exercising my physical body I am running or riding towards a goal but at the same time I am resisting the laws of gravity that want me to remain still. 

Religion is the enemy of relationship.

When we lean into rules we lean out of authenticity.

When we lean into law we are dancing with death. When we lean into the spirit we are living in liberty. (2 Cor 3:6)

There is a kind of resistance that doesn’t go around attacking people and parading publicly as an activist.  For me that is my primary path of resistance. I simply give no place to it. (Ephesians 4:27) (Not that there isn’t a time and a place for turning over tables in the temple.)  

The solution? Paradoxically I bind myself to Jesus Christ. I abide in Him and in His love. And in Him I am free from the oppression of religion.