Ark and Altar Church

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Framing the View

Boneo Country House - Melbourne Australia

The God we see is the God we serve.

Death comes in the absence of vision.

All of us have a vision.

All of us see with our minds eye, our souls, our hearts – we have a vision.

Some people have a dark disparaging vision. Some people have a vision of hopelessness. Whatever we see is the result of the vision we have allowed to form.

Without the Word of Truth to form our vision we run wild and are unrestrained in our pursuit of all the wrong things within our line of sight.

We all live in a home with a view - it’s just a matter of what the view is. Does our home have all dark walls with no windows? Or is it an open spacious home full of windows that hold a panoramic view of the beauty and light that is all around us?

I was reminded today while looking at screen cap images in my icloud photos - the personality tests I take all say that I am a visionary. A creative pioneer. I take screen shots of these test results to remind me on the tough days that yes, I really am a visionary, I really am creative. This is still who I am.

As a creative visionary type person, I get highly energized and fulfilled by art, architecture, photography and music. I absolutely love modern architecture, and I recently have been watching short films and Amazon Prime TV series with content on modern homes.

One of many homes that just takes my breath away is Boneo Country House in Australia.

What strikes me about this home and others like it - is how the architect builds the house to frame the views.

As you move through the home you sense and feel how organically and impeccably everything is designed to experience the world around you.

So it is with our lives. We build our lives as a home with windows to the world. Our view is framed, or shaped by the revelation we have. As a result, the quality of life we experience is shaped.

I believe the Great I AM is so much more than we allow Him to be. There is a never ending revelation of the depths of being known by Him that awaits – if we will frame His Truth at every window of our mind, our will and our emotions.

When I experience the view of Him I trust that what I see in Him is reality, even if what I feel doesn’t correlate in the moment. One of the views among many I have been framing recently is the view of the Lord Jesus I AM debt canceller. The windows of my soul are experiencing the breathtaking view, brought from the outside in - of my Lord who paid the price for my debts. My sins, my omissions, my commissions, my mis-steps all have been cancelled.

As I take in this view I begin to see my debt releaser, and I begin to see me as one with Him. Free from sin. Free from the past. Being released, I stand able to let go. To let go of everything that would try to hold me in bondage. And I am free to live in such a way that doesn’t hold anyone else in bondage.

I owe nothing, and I am owed nothing. This beautiful view of Him permeates and penetrates every level of indebtedness in my life. Including financial burdens.

Does this mean I stop paying my credit card bill? No. But it means I am alive and free, and energized to walk in a different way. A way that doesn’t foolishly accumulate debt, but also in a way that releases the supernatural power of God to radically and miraculously pour financial relief and blessing into my life as I live on mission to worship and serve Him only.

I am not bound to live in poverty. I am free to live in abundance, with margin in my life for kingdom seed sowing, for provision for food, clothing, shelter, as well as education for my daughter, investment funds for our twilight years.

This is the Lord I AM that is part of my view of the wonders of who He is to me.

At the same time He is the Lord I AM contentment. I am content in Christ Jesus, in all things at all times. My view on who He is doesn’t frame a world of material possessions for me to strive for, to sacrifice time spent with my family to achieve the world’s idea of success.

These ideas, these revelations of I AM are not in conflict with one another. They are ever present help kind of realities that can set us free to live our lives with purpose for His will, for His plan, for His glory.

Take another look - start to reframe the vision you have of the world. Start today to build a new home. Move out of that old one full of false frames, selfish frames, deadly frames. Your mansion is measureless in Him, even if you live in a literal prison. Even if you truly are the poorest of the poor in the worlds eyes.

You will live the full life God desires for You when every view from your home is a view of His divine nature, His boundless attributes, His immeasurable glory, His perfect love for you.