“Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.”
Luke 10:19,20 NLT
In a survey a few years back 2000 people were asked what they most worried about and in the top 20 at number 17 was “worry over work goals.”
What if we asked the question, “where should our goals come from?”
What if the answer to that question led us to discover the importance of our goals in the grand scheme of things?
The source of our ability comes from the Lord. Deut 8:8, Acts 17:28.
The very thing that poses a detriment to us is often the result of what comes from within us. Matt 15:11
In that sense when goals aren’t the Lord’s goals they can be a hindrance to a healthy relationship with him.
So here’s a thought:
Be led by the goal of devotion let go of the goals of emotion.
Let me paraphrase the verse I quoted above:
I gave you the goods not so you could crush it everyday - but to be a giver and a lover of me, “the good giver!”
Be a good worker and excel at whatever is placed in your hand. 2 Timothy 2:15
Just remember:
When the goal becomes a care the goal becomes a snare.
What would happen if we let the Lord place within us his desires? Proverbs 37:4
Our devotion to the Lord establishes the expected end.
Worry changes nothing for the better. Matt 6:27
Instead here’s a good conversation to have with Jesus everyday.
I’ve got big plans today Lord - plans you put there to accomplish your purpose. (Proverbs 19:21) I will put my trust in you fully to see all of them come to pass, in your timing and for your glory.