Ark and Altar Church

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3 of 21 Worries

“Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you.”

Psalms 55:22 NLT

I’ve heard it said that pet owners often share personality traits with their pets. If the internet isn’t wrong there are some pretty great memes out there to support this. (lol)

If you have ever owned a pet you’ve come to realize how much your life is impacted by them. Pets to so many are like family. So I wasn’t surprised to read that on a list of 20 worries of 2,000 people surveyed - concern for the health of their pet was number 19.

We are made to care deeply about the things we care for. When caring for something or someone else becomes one of too many things we have committed to - it’s no wonder worry kicks in.

Maybe to decrease our worry we should decrease the things we care about? 

Easier said than done. 

But maybe the things we care about could best be determined by the one who cares for us?

If we intentionally put ourselves in the care of the one who cares for us we might be in the best position to care for others. 

Only when our rest is truly in the Lord are we able to put all of our cares on him instead of on those in our lives. 

Have you noticed that when we are stressed everyone around us is negatively affected including our pets?

Instead of casting our cares on the Lord we are casting our stress on everyone around us! 

In an emergency the oxogen mask goes on you first. In life our daily respiration from the Lord needs to be first. 

When we are spiritually healthy and vibrant those we care for will be better cared for. 

 To give the best care we need to learn to receive the best care. 

Remember to start every day in the presence of the Lord and allow him to lift all those burdens and lighten your load.